
❄️ Into The Heart of Being~ 4 Days ~ Deepening in Self Realisation (Online)

From £ 35 gbp
Fri, 22 Nov 2024, 12:30 GMT – Mon, 25 Nov 2024, 18:34 GMT
❄️ Into The Heart of Being~ 4 Days ~ Deepening in Self Realisation  (Online)

INTO THE HEART OF BEING is a 4 Day Interactive Retreat!

Everything changes when you prioritise resting at Home in BEING.

When you are aligned to your BEING you are aligned to the Whole Existence and beyond... and you know it.

All returns back to balance, clarity and flow...

You are enriched and nourished at the core of who you Are which has endless ramifications effecting every level.

This 4 day Deepening in Self Realisation can be joined at 2 levels.

The FULL MONTY or viewing only..

There is an early booking rate until 5th November ❤️

The timing is currently approximate and the format for this online retreat, starting at approx. 1:00pm (London) and ending at approx. 7:00pm each day, is:

🌿 1.00pm ~ 20 mins. Movement meditation, TOGETHER streaming, then a 15 min. break to get your drink, etc.

🌿 1.35pm - 3.00pm ~ Transmission from Ananta (Dropping/intro or interaction, whatever happens).

🌿 4.30pm - 6.30pm ~ Short talk and Interaction working with each Being who has signed up for “The Full Monty”

So often People who are searching freedom say "when I'm in that space, everything is simple, clear and I just know that all things are possible for me... but then when I'm back in conditioned personality, egoic identity or simply limited thinking, the core wounds kick in and keep on producing the same old patterns, it's as if I've been hijacked..."

Ready to Be you came here to BE?

So how then?

In this retreat we dive deeply together...

We merge, marinate... with the open invitation to meet all that is unresolved to return to the heart.

We will look into deeply held beliefs both conscious and unconscious and see what is true from Truth itSelf.

We will have lots of fun, perhaps cry, and for sure dance and celebrate!

We are Diving Deep, Meeting Life Totally and Opening UP to Embody the Light of Being .

See your personal time zone at the top of the page after the event day/time or use this Time Zone Converter

Meeting Guidelines and Information on using Zoom

Who is this retreat for?

If you are reading this, you already know You are not this small little person who came here to struggle just to survive...

✨This retreat is for all those who would like to truly wake up and deepen in Self Realisation while meeting every little bit of what appears in the human daily life.

Those who see there is no turning back with the changes happening on the surface of our life and a strong inner foundation is paramount!

It's for you if you feel life is calling you to get creative and find New ways of Living that are in alignment with your true Being connected to your heart.

You would like to find supportive ways to stay strong and choose the frequencies of love & Joy over Fear.

It's for you if you are ready to live what you really Are as an Essential Being, to stand true integrating your Highest Self with your Human Being.

It’s for those who are ready and willing to die as an ego identity and face what is Here, whatever appears and choose a new frequency that does not belong to the past.

This is a committed energy field in which everyone is asked to attend with full Presence, respecting the guidelines placed by Ananta in which to support the collective field we co-create, bringing all of ourself to the whole process with totality!

There are two different tiers available to join this 4 Day Retreat. All participants will also receive audio files for all sessions:

♡ Tier 1 - The Full Monty ~ Personal Interaction with Ananta via Zoom ~ £275



This is for a small group of Beings, for those who would like to have personal interaction directly working with Ananta.

Limited seating to allow those Beings enough possibility and have time for personal guidance and interaction with Ananta

Tier 2 ~ No Personal Interaction with Ananta ~ £159


Unlimited seating. This tier is to offer the possibility for others to join all sessions for the whole retreat, apart from having the possibility to raise the hand and work directly with Ananta.


These meetings are a powerful opportunity for Profound Realization and transformation that touches every corner of your life.


We as a species are facing extremes more than ever in challenging and unimagineable times which in turn evokes a stronger calling in the depth of our Heart to find New ways of Living and Being on this Earth plane.

A certain amount of incarnated Humans are Now ready to open up to multidimensional levels as Light Beings and Embody what they came here for on this Human Plane while living an the extraordinariness of ordinary life.

On the Human Level….

There is Nothing we ever need to do about darkness other than ‘Bring in the Light’.

The Light of your own Being dispels the darkness of fear…

Life has a way of speaking and calling us to deeply question everything from a soul level…

Every event in life is the opportunity to give priority to a deeper calling… with no exception.

What is this life Now asking from you?

Do you long to be Free of worry, tension and emotional suffering?

Your True Nature is your Sanctuary of profound Wisdom and Guidance.

It is time to access New levels of your Being.

Here is the invitation to drop into deeper levels of Who and What you really Are and to explore directly.

The answers are all at the Source of your own Being. Ananta facilitates the direct meeting of One Self meeting itSelf in Truth.

These Meetings are focused on ‘Deepening in Self Realisation’ by dropping ever more deeply into the very source of Existence.

Together we taste an undeniable universal Truth directly in an integrative way, meeting all that appears in our Humanness, the pain, the trauma, all feelings, mental, physical and emotional and being willing to meet all in totality in a way that transforms and remakes the body infusing Light waves through all levels.

This can be experienced as an upgrade to the entire system we call the Body/Mind and your very Soul has come Here for That.

Each session will begin with either a movement meditation and/or a guided dropping into the depth of Being where all separation falls away, merging as Truth itSelf.

Ananta will then give a direct transmission, that points and evokes the direct experience of where the words come from… evoking remembrance and recognition of our shared Divinity knowing itself through all.

Anything can happen, old wounds can arise and be met in a way that finally brings profound Healing and Transformation.

Whatever is appearing is then invited and included in this intimate field of Awakened Awareness, otherwise felt as Pure Love.

Quite naturally the unfolding takes place through each one and is seen to be happening in all, it is a journey of one movement. Just as Life is. What is happening in One, moves through all.

Each session builds upon the next and may produce the experience of expansion and bliss, but do not be worried… this too shall pass!

These meetings are a powerful opportunity for Profound Realization and transformation that touches every corner of your life.


Ananta Kranti

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  • 4 Day Retreat (non-residential)
  • Online Retreat
  • 4 Day Retreat