
Break In to Break Out ~ 1 Day Intensive with Ananta

£ 99 £ 69 gbp
Before 17 Oct 2024
Sat, 26 Oct 2024, 12:30–18:30 BST
Online Zoom Video Conference
Break In to Break Out ~ 1 Day Intensive with Ananta

Break In to Break Out Intensive

Break Through Structures and Layers of Identity and Step Into True Freedom

You’ve spent years building layers of protection, crafting identities, and hiding behind roles that no longer serve you. These layers may have kept you safe in the past, but now they’re the very walls keeping you from living in your true freedom.

The Break In to Break Out Intensive is a 1-day immersive experience designed to guide you in breaking through these layers of self-protection, conditioned identities, and limiting beliefs. By turning inward and breaking through, you’ll emerge into a space of radical freedom — where nothing holds you back from fully living as your authentic self.

Why This Intensive?

We all develop layers of protection — stories, beliefs, and identities — that create a false sense of self. While they once served to protect us from emotional pain or fear, they now prevent us from experiencing the limitless presence of who we truly are. This intensive will help you break through these layers and reconnect with the unconditioned awareness that is always free.

If you:

  • Feel stuck in patterns of fear, self-doubt, or old identities that limit your expression,
  • Long for a deeper sense of authenticity and freedom in how you show up in life,
  • Are ready to break free from the mental, emotional, and energetic blocks that hold you back,

then this event is your chance to dive deep, break through, and step into a new way of being.

What You Will Experience

  • Breaking Through the Layers of Protection: Through guided inquiry, powerful teachings, and direct transmission, you’ll discover the layers of false identity that have been keeping you in limitation. You’ll experience the relief and freedom that comes when you break through.
  • Releasing Conditioned Identities: Recognize and dissolve the unconscious roles and labels you’ve been carrying — allowing you to express yourself more authentically in all aspects of life.
  • Living from the Depth of Presence: As you break through your conditioning, you’ll discover the spaciousness of Being — the place where freedom, clarity, and effortless living naturally arise.
  • Practical Tools for Daily Integration: Learn simple, yet profound practices to break free from limiting beliefs and identities in real-time, enabling you to live from an empowered, liberated space in your everyday life.

How This Intensive Works

The day will begin with a deep dive into the essence of Being, where the layers of separation begin to naturally dissolve. From this place of clear seeing, Ananta will offer powerful teachings and direct transmission, guiding you into the heart of your authentic self. This process will be followed by open interaction and inquiry, allowing you to explore your individual patterns and receive direct guidance on breaking free.

Who Is This For?

  • Seekers and Finders: If you’ve been on the path of self-inquiry and are ready to dismantle the final layers of egoic identity, this event is designed to support your full breakthrough.
  • Those Seeking True Authenticity: If you feel limited by roles, personas, or emotional defenses, and long to live from a place of true, unfiltered expression, this intensive will help you step into your full authenticity.
  • Anyone Ready to Break Free: Whether or not you’ve done spiritual work before, if you are ready to stop living from limiting stories and identities, this event offers a powerful container for transformation.

This intensive is an opportunity to break through the barriers that have kept you small and emerge into a life of freedom, presence, and authentic expression. Space is limited, so secure your spot today and start your journey to living fully free.

Freedom Awaits

It’s time to break in — to dive deep within yourself, dismantle the layers of conditioning, and emerge fully free. Join us for this transformative day and step into the expansive, unbound life that has always been yours.

❣️ Participants will also received audio files for both sessions.

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Ananta Kranti

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  • Online Intensive