
Into The Heart of Being ~ 6 Day INTENSIVE RETREAT IN ALGARVE

From £ 35 gbp
Thu, 21 Nov 2024, 15:45 GMT – Tue, 26 Nov 2024, 16:00 GMT
Algarve, Portugal, Algarve, Portugal Map
Into The Heart of Being ~ 6 Day INTENSIVE RETREAT IN ALGARVE

Day 1 starts at 3.45pm - 6:00pm One session only (Portugal)

The following Days start at 12.45pm and end at 6:30pm

Day 6 afternoon session only from 2:00pm - 4:00pm

⏰ Time Zone Converter ~ Use London Time or Lisbon, Portugal Time

Introduction for "Into the Heart of Being" Retreat:

A 6-day immersive retreat in the serene landscapes of the Algarve.

This is more than just a retreat—it's an invitation to journey inward, to the very core of your essence, where deeper intimacy with yourself, others, and the world awaits.

Throughout these six days, you’ll be guided into a profound connection with your self and all of life, experiencing the beauty of stillness, the power of silence, and the transformative act of surrender. In this sacred space, we will explore the layers of our being, dissolving barriers that separate us from true presence and authenticity.

Ananta has a unique and profound way of guiding participants through direct self-inquiry that leads to the recognition of one's true nature. Using a method known as direct pointing, she skillfully brings attention to the essence of who you truly are, beyond the mind, stories, and conditioning.

Her approach isn’t about offering intellectual answers or concepts but instead gently and precisely guiding you to look within, to that place of stillness and presence, where your own direct experience reveals itself. Through her compassionate and intuitive facilitation, Ananta helps dissolve the layers of identification with thoughts, emotions, and the sense of separation, allowing for the natural recognition of your true self—one that is ever-present, unchanging, and deeply connected to all of life.

In this space of self-recognition, the usual mind-made struggles and sense of individuality start to fade, revealing the freedom, peace, and boundless awareness that is your true nature. Ananta’s direct and loving approach invites you into this timeless discovery, where awakening is not something to be attained, but something that is already here, simply waiting to be seen.

Together, we will cultivate a sacred container for deeper listening, true Presence, and heartfelt connection.

In "Into the Heart of Being," we will also dive deeply into the integration of the hidden and shadow aspects of ourselves—those parts we often deny or suppress—into the fullness of what it means to live as an awakened Being in everyday life.

This process involves not only exploring our shadow but also healing and integrating old wounds and trauma that have shaped us over time.

These unhealed wounds and unresolved traumas can influence our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, often creating barriers to authentic connection and inner peace. During the retreat, we will hold space to compassionately meet these parts of ourselves, acknowledging the pain, fear, and defenses that may have been carried for years.

By bringing these wounds into the light of awareness, we allow healing to unfold naturally. Through mindful practices, breathwork, somatic awareness, and deep inner inquiry, we will work with the body and heart to release the imprints of trauma and gently move toward wholeness. This process invites us to reclaim the parts of ourselves that have been fragmented, allowing for greater self-acceptance, freedom, and inner harmony.

As we integrate these hidden aspects, we move beyond the duality of light and shadow, embracing the totality of our human experience. This work is essential for living as an awakened Being in everyday life—bridging the gap between spiritual awakening and the realities of human emotions and challenges.

In doing so, we cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves and others, grounded in authenticity and presence. By integrating our wounds, we no longer live in reaction to the past but instead walk through life with greater compassion, resilience, and empowerment. This retreat is a sacred invitation to embrace every part of who you are, to heal, and to awaken to the fullness of life.

This retreat is a call to step beyond the noise of everyday life and touch the deeper currents that move through all existence. By embracing the present moment, we open ourselves to greater love, wisdom, and unity with the natural world and those around us.
Join us as we take this journey of transformation, where silence speaks, intimacy blossoms, and connection with all of life is fully realized.

❤️ Who is this retreat for?

This retreat is for those who feel a deep inner calling to reconnect with their true essence and explore the depths of their being. It is for:

Spiritual Seekers/Finders: Individuals on a path who are ready to go beyond concepts and experience direct self-recognition and deeper states of presence.

Those Longing for Inner Peace: Anyone who feels a pull to move beyond the noise of the mind, embrace stillness, and find a deeper sense of peace and fulfillment in life.

Individuals Ready for Healing: Those who wish to integrate past wounds, trauma, and unresolved emotions, allowing for greater freedom and wholeness in their everyday lives.

Explorers of Consciousness: People seeking to deepen their connection with the flow of life, exploring the mysteries of existence through self-inquiry and surrender.

Anyone Seeking Authentic Connection: Those yearning for deeper intimacy, not only with others but with themselves and the natural world, cultivating authentic relationships and connection.

Those Seeking Transformation: Anyone who is ready to surrender old patterns, beliefs, and limitations in order to live with greater alignment, authenticity, and openness.

Whether you are new to spiritual exploration or have been on the path for years, this retreat offers a space for profound inner growth, healing, and transformation. It’s for anyone ready to step into the heart of being and awaken to the fullness of life.

All days are held in silence between sessions to give you the space for your own process of deepening and self reflection.

The in person retreat venue will happen in a private residence in the Algarve. We are searching for the best location and will update.

This is a non residential retreat, we will let you know as soon as we find the exact location so that you can search your accomodation.

Contact us to let us know you are intending to come.


All participants will also receive audio files for all sessions.


A certain amount of incarnated Humans are Now ready to open up to multidimensional levels of who you truly Are as Light Beings and Embody what you came here for on this Human Plane while living the extraordinariness of ordinary life.

It is time for The New Humanity

On the Human Level….

There is Nothing we ever need to do about darkness other than ‘Bring in the Light’.

The Light of your own Being dispels the darkness of fear…

Life has a way of speaking and calling us to deeply question everything from a soul level…

Every event in life is the opportunity to give priority to a deeper calling… with no exception.

What is this life Now calling you to live ?

Do you long to be Free of worry, tension and emotional suffering?

Your True Nature is your Sanctuary of profound Wisdom and Guidance.

It is time to access New levels of your Being.

Here is the invitation to drop into deeper levels of Who and What you really Are and to explore directly.

The answers are all at the Source of your own Being. Ananta facilitates the direct meeting of One Self meeting itSelf in Truth.

These Meetings are focused on ‘Deepening in Self Realisation’ by dropping ever more deeply into the very source of Existence.

Together we taste an undeniable universal Truth directly in an integrative way, meeting all that appears in our Humanness, the pain, the trauma, all feelings, mental, physical and emotional and being willing to meet all in totality in a way that transforms and remakes the body infusing Light waves through all levels.

This can be experienced as an upgrade to the entire system we call the Body/Mind and your very Soul has come Here for That.

Each session will begin with a guided dropping into the depth of Being where all separation falls away, merging as Truth itSelf.

Ananta will then give a direct transmission, that points and evokes the direct experience of where the words come from… evoking remembrance and recognition of our shared Divinity knowing itself through all.

Anything can happen, old wounds can arise and be met in a way that finally brings profound Healing and Transformation.

Whatever is appearing is then invited and included in this intimate field of Awakened Awareness, otherwise felt as Pure Love.

Quite naturally the unfolding takes place through each one and is seen to be happening in all, it is a journey of one movement. Just as Life is. What is happening in One, moves through all.

Each session builds upon the next and may produce the experience of expansion and bliss, but do not be worried… this too shall pass!

The in person retreat venue will happen in a private residence in the Algarve. We are searching for the best location and will update.

This is a non residential retreat, we will let you know as soon as we find the exact location so that you can search your accomodation.

A private group will be set up on our Born to Be Free community platform in which participants can connect and perhaps share the rental of an airbnb apartment in the area. You may also like to share Taxi's.

Join our FREE community platform


This is both an in person and online retreat.

Day 1 starts at 3.45PM - 6:00PM One session only (Portugal)

The following Days start at 12.45PM and end at 6:30PM

Day 6 afternoon session only starting at 2:00PM - 4:00PM

Time Zone Converter

Meeting Guidelines and Information on using Zoom

Anyone else who would love to join yet has financial difficulty, we invite other forms of energy exchange; we are a very small team working hard consistently behind the scenes to get this important message out to fellow Humans and we always need support, we are open to explore.

Also if you are unemployed and struggling financially we have just a few places for Scholarships.

You may contact us and let us know of your offerings or situation and see if it fits.


Ananta Kranti

Contact us


Algarve, Portugal, Algarve, Portugal


  • 6 Day Retreat - In Person & Live Streaming Online